Session Notes - January 2019


Startingthis year, you’ll be hearing from me, your Session Correspondent, after allSession meetings and perhaps on other occasions.

Your Session (see the list here and meet the new elders here) is elected by the congregation and ordained as elders to govern our congregation.   It’s not a precise analogy, but generally the Session is like a board of trustees.

Wemeet monthly, and more often if called for. Your newly-elected Session convened for the first time on Tuesdayevening.

Thiswas mostly an organizational meeting – communion serving assignments,attendance at Presbytery meetings, ministry updates.

Theemphasis this year is on church growth – in engagement, programs, attendanceand giving (speaking of which, have you returned your pledge?).  Plan on attending our annual congregationalmeeting after worship next Sunday for elaboration.

Thanksfor reading, and stay tuned.


Giving Statements


A Word from Laura: Soul Work