Session Notes - May 2019


Your Session sat for its regular monthly meeting earlier this week:

  • We spent much of the meeting working on the “Engage Faith” program in June.  This is unlike anything we’ve done before.  We’ll invert the usual Sunday order – worship starts at 10:00, activities at 11:00.  There will be several activity choices to choose from, focusing on different topics (e.g.,children, mission).  Stay tuned for details.
  • The departure of John Molina-Moore is a big gain for the presbytery, but a big loss for our congregation.  He leaves, as they say, big shoes to fill.  We decided that it is better to move quickly, but not to try to replace John in kind.  In the near term, we will use several people on a part-time basis to fill John’s several roles at Western.  Watch for news on this.
  • The endowment is a topic of perpetual conversation.  Elder Jen Druliner is heading up a task force to query other similarly-situated churches in the DMV to discover their best practices, including the eventual forming of an Investment Committee.
  • Speaking of the endowment, we approved several necessary capital expenditures for our property, including a six-figure replacement of air conditioning units on the roof.  An expensive elevator overhaul is also necessary.  The wisdom of our self-renewing capital reserve fund is apparent at these times..

That’s it for this month.  Thanks for reading.   


A Word from Laura: Empathy, Compassion, and an Alabama Decision


Next Steps for Rev. John Molina-Moore