Session Notes: October 2023
Your Session sat for its regular monthly meeting this week. With the news of Pastor Laura's resignation (or in Presbyterian terms, request to dissolve her call), this one was very consequential.
Before we get to that, though, the Session dealt with three important items that you should know about:
- Heard an update from the Building for the Future task group, which has begun its work of discerning visions for Western’s path forward with the church building, and financial resources, for the sake of making our ministry more sustainable. Stay tuned for how members of the congregation can participate.
- Entered into a six-month contract with our interim Director of Music Ministry, Ariel Nathanson.
- Voted to reduce the size of the Session and the Diaconate from 12 to 9 members each over the next several years. This reflects our post-pandemic reality and requires congregational approval.
Now a few words from Becky Koenig, writing as Clerk of Session:
For Nov. 19, the Session has called a congregational meeting to vote on dissolving Pastor Laura's call with Western.
On that same Sunday, during worship, we will celebrate the baptism of a child from our church.
What does it mean for these two sacred experiences to occur just moments apart?
I believe it means that our sorrow and our joy are both holy. That the very same circumstance can bring us loss and offer us growth. That in every season of life, we belong to God.
I invite you to reflect on that assurance as we move into a season of transition at Western.
Leaders from our Presbytery are already walking alongside us as we take our next steps at a calm, steady pace. The Session has met with a supportive representative from the Committee on Ministry, Rev. Carla Gorrell, who will join us for the congregational meeting on Nov. 19. The Session and the Presbytery are collaborating to find a bridge pastor for Western, who will likely join us for a few months starting in December. At the Session meeting in December, elders will meet with Presbytery leaders to receive more support and identify additional steps.
The Session will share information with the congregation as the transition continues. There is much we do not yet know, but as Rev. Carla told us this week, God has a future in mind for us.
In this season, our ministry continues. Please join us for worship. Please share your prayer joys and concerns. Please participate with us in fellowship, music, education, giving, and mission efforts. Please pray for our congregation, for Pastor Laura, and for Foggy Bottom.
And please know that you are not alone if you are feeling grief, or frustration, or worry, or hope, or a mix of many emotions. Let's be gentle with ourselves and with each other, extending extra grace. Let's treat each other and speak to each other with love.
Know that the Session remains committed to the spiritual leadership of Western Presbyterian Church.
Thank you,