A Word from Laura: Coming soon the pRayground
Western Friends,
Fall 2023 has been a re-grouping time for children’s and family ministry at Western. Rev. Irene Bennett has been working with parents and those involved to provide vibrant children’s ministry when we have few children on Sunday mornings. I’m excited to tell you about something new we’re trying, at the request of parents still involved: the “pRayground”.
Beginning October 15, the pRayground will be space in the sanctuary to welcome families with children. It’s designed so families can stay together throughout the worship service. The child-sized table and chairs will be a space for children to engage scriptures and stories and to join the whole congregation in praise and prayer. Children will remain in worship instead of leaving for church school. Families with children under four may also choose to take their little ones to the nursery, which we are now looking to staff with one paid caregiver and one volunteer.
The success of this program depends on all of us valuing families with children, particularly given our new reality of a handful of loyal families moving their membership to churches closer to their homes. Parents have shared that while they love Western, commuting longer distances to church with children has become too challenging. In our changing demographics, we need to remain clear about our commitment to families. To that end, Rev. Irene Bennett and I want you to have some more background – practical and theological.
The pRayground allows for flexibility in numbers. Over the last year, those involved found recruiting Sunday school teachers difficult. Those who volunteered were often with one child – or no one! We can continue to provide support for children’s worship and learning in our space, without burdening additional volunteers.
The pRayground is more inclusive, growing the diversity of ages in our worshiping community. As we welcome children – and their grown-ups! – to stay in worship, we all move in the direction of Jesus who welcomed children. We become more accountable to the children in our faith community as live out the promises we make at their baptism.
The pRayground will help keep us open to the Spirit in our worship. The heart of the theology of Presbyterian worship is a dynamism between form and freedom, order and audaciousness! We can trust that as much planning as will go into what happens in that space, children will come up with something unexpected. The Spirit will be at work in their minds and hearts, sometimes in spite of our best efforts. We’ll have opportunities to wonder how God is at work through it all.
I have heard concerns, particularly given our tradition of a small but mighty Sunday school program. Know that we continue to celebrate all who have been involved in Western’s children’s ministry. I hope that we need to grow our offerings in a few years, and that all who have been involved will be ready to return in new capacities! I have also heard concerns that children will be disruptive; if so, may we err on the side of hospitality, lovingkindness and grace.
Some of you mention how important it may be for parents to have some time to themselves in worship; we’ll want to find other times to support parents on their individual journeys of faith.
You may have wisdom or thoughts as we move forward in our children’s ministry. Please email me or Rev. Irene if you would like to talk more. As we try a new thing with our children, may we grow in grace with them and with each other,