A Word from Laura: The Next Faithful Step

“Whatever you're meant to do, do it now. The conditions are always impossible.”- Doris Lessing

One of you emailed me this quotation from Lessing, the Nobel prize winner who grew up white in what is now Zimbabwe. Fiercely against apartheid, her work as a writer meant remaining in solidarity with those who do not share an equality of opportunity.

As Western looks to what is next, what are we meant to do? What is next in our worship, as we get ready to welcome people back into the sanctuary while growing our digital worship experience? What is next in our antiracism work, as several of you are hoping our leadership will take concrete steps? What is next as we discern how to use our financial resources for mission and ministry in a manner that is sustainable and compelling?

Sometimes it can feel impossible.

In another impossible situation, Jesus reminded the disciples that faith the size of a mustard seed can tell a mountain to move, and it happens. And we know that ants can move gigantic amounts of dirt, many times their own body weight – seemingly impossibly – because they break it down into loads and work together as an intricate team.

As our “courageous community living into God’s love and justice,” discerns what we are meant to do in the midst of what can seem impossible, whether in the church or our work or families right now, I hope you’ll consider:

1)   What does God want of you? Of us as a church? The next faithful step may be what you want personally, but it may not be. How will you pay attention to what you know to be true about God and how God is working?

2)   What do you believe about the situation, and why do you believe it? What do you know about your own underlying motivations? What fears or past experiences may be unconsciously tripping you up? What hopes or visions for the future may help you – and us as a church - find the energy for the future?

And then – in the church this may be most important right now – how are we called to take steps together as a community? How will we listen to each other without judgment for the sake of the trusting relationships necessary to move forward?


Session Notes


MK Gala 2021 Celebration: Mission Critical