Session Notes

Your Session sat, by Zoom, for its regular monthly meeting this week.

These are “liminal” times. Liminal is a synonym of transitional, and an apt description of this time in our church life. It’s a period of change and stress. It is not the ideal environment for decision-making, but there is much to decide. In the first part of our meeting, we spent time on the challenges and opportunities of liminality.

This transitioned to more discussion about hybrid worship -- the melding of in-person with online worship. For more than a year we’ve been doing online worship, shall we say, economically, using the same kind of consumer equipment you’re using to read this. Aside from a Zoom account, we’ve made no financial investment. However, before we can welcome folks back to the sanctuary, we’ll need some technology upgrades. We directed our Hybrid Worship Task Force and Stewardship Ministry to develop a funding plan. Stay tuned for more details.

Finally, we heard a comprehensive presentation from the Antiracism Coordinating Team about their vision for our congregation, and the Session’s role in it. It’s a weighty agenda. We scheduled additional discussion sessions over the next weeks and pledged to act on the proposal at our June meeting.

That’s it for this month. Thanks for reading.


A Word from Laura: Calling Pentecost People!


A Word from Laura: The Next Faithful Step