Session Notes

Your elected Session sat for its first regular monthly meeting of the year on Tuesday (by Zoom, of course). We welcomed two new elders, Jerry Hoganson and Greta Morris. 

Like many January meetings, this meeting was mostly organizational. Rebecca Jackson was reelected Clerk of Session and Ray Sendejas reelected church Treasurer. 

The Presbyterian Church is a confessional church. In fact, our Book of Confessions is one of the three foundational texts of our denomination (the other two being the Bible and, appropriately, the Book of Order). The earliest of our creeds dates to the 4th century; the most recent was adopted in 1983. 

Thematically, this year your Session will be looking to our creedal roots to help us secure our footing in these unsteady times. 

That’s it for this month. Thanks for reading, and see you at our congregational meeting on January 31st.


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