A Word from Laura: Celebrating Miriam's Kitchen
Western Friends,
Each year on the Sunday before Thanksgiving, we at Western celebrate our longstanding partnership with Miriam’s Kitchen. As we get ready for worship this Sunday, I share with you what I shared with folks on Miriam’s staff last week.
I have always been proud – almost sinfully so - to pastor a church whose building houses Miriam’s Kitchen. This year my pride and gratitude have grown to a new level.
Here at Western Church, we believe the work of Miriam’s Kitchen is the most faithful use of our space we can imagine. MK does holy work at 24th and G Streets throughout the week: feeding hungry people, helping neighbors find housing and services, and creating a welcoming community where lives are changed.

A Word from Laura: Armistice
As we celebrated Veterans’ Day this week, giving thanks for the faithful service of so many in our military, a friend reminded me that the day originated as Armistice Day, the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month in 1918 when the truce was signed to end World War I.
Armistice literally means “arms stand still” (from the Latin arma sistere). Congress declared the date “should be commemorated with thanksgiving and prayer and exercises designed to perpetuate peace through good will and mutual understanding between nations.”
They had thought the armistice ended “the war to end all wars.” 102 years later we know otherwise.

Session Notes
Your Session met (by Zoom, of course) earlier this week. It was a consequential meeting.
Needless to say, the pandemic’s effects have been far-reaching. It has taken us out of our church building for eight months and counting (although the work of Miriam’s Kitchen goes on). It has also given your Session the time, the space and a mandate to concentrate on one big issue facing our congregation.
The issue – and you’ve heard us talk about it often – is the purpose and use of our endowment funds. We seek to connect these funds more clearly to the mission and ministry they enable, so you can more clearly see the impact of your giving.

A Word from Laura: You Can Still Make a Difference
Western friends,
In the Wednesday morning coffee and conversation following the election, our group agreed that one thing we could be certain of was that these days – maybe weeks – ahead are uncertain for our nation. In this time when it’s hard to figure out how to make a difference on our national scene, there are still ways to make a faith-filled difference through Western! You’re invited to use the links below, recommended by different members of Western’s faith community. Choose at least three!

PCUSAVotes2020: Only One Week Until Election Day!
It is officially one week until election day! Here are a few tips to remember when casting your ballot:
• Make sure to read and follow all instructions on your absentee ballot.
• Remember to sign your absentee ballot.
• If you can, turn your absentee ballot in at drop off a location. Visit your state’s Board of Elections website to find absentee ballot drop off locations in your area.