A Word from Patrick

Thank you so much for indulging my absence and welcoming the wonderful substitute musicians during Lent.

I just returned from Germany where I had the honor to perform (on harpsichord) concerts with the Baroque orchestra Tempesta di Mare. We played in Leipzig, Berlin, Dresden, Köthen, and Magdeburg. The Leipzig performance took place at the Thomaskirche, where Bach served as organist and cantor, and the Köthen performance took place at a court where Bach served as Kapellmeister. It was very moving to make music in these spaces! Our final concert in Magdeburg was the closing concert of the Telemann Festival, where we performed some "new" music by Telemann that was recently discovered, and we were joined by the musicologist that discovered it! Tempesta di Mare is a Philadelphia-based ensemble founded by Gwyn Roberts and Richard Stone, both of whom teach in the Early Music department at Peabody. We have a repeat performance of our Germany program in Connecticut on April 3, so I will be away for one more Sunday.

I am so looking forward to returning to celebrate Palm Sunday with you!


Reclaim Our Vote: An Initiative of Common Ground


Guest Musician: Sean Burns