Congregational Meeting
The Congregational Meeting will take place after Worship on May 31. Any member joining the meeting by Zoom app (on a computer or mobile device) can vote within Zoom.
For members who dial-in to Zoom by phone, you may vote online on Saturday, May 30 or vote by voice during the meeting. Dial *6 to unmute yourself when the vote is called. Please only vote once.
2020 Nominating Committee slate to be elected:
Scott Bellard
Elizabeth Adu
Matt Jackson
Proposed Amendments to Western Church Bylaws:
Under “Congregational Meetings”
The congregation may meet by electronic means if all members have reasonable notice of the electronic meeting and the ability to discuss and vote on business items. The quorum for such a meeting remains the same as for an in-person meeting.
Under “Session/Meetings”
The session may meet by electronic means if all members have reasonable notice of the electronic meeting and the ability to discuss and vote on business items. The quorum for such a meeting remains the same as for an in-person meeting.