Session Notes - July 2019


YourSession sat for its regular monthly meeting earlier this week.  Discussion of the new program year beginningin September dominated the meeting.

Onepart of this is the possibility of changing the Sunday worship time from 11:00to 10:00, based on our experience in June. The survey results so far offer little guidance – roughly equal numbersexpress a preference for each time.  Aplurality is indifferent.

Inany case, the important thing we learned from our June experiment (with “engagefaith” programs following worship) wasn’t about time – it was that there is ademand for relevant programming and activities beyond what we normally offer onSunday mornings.

Aftermuch discussion, we decided to leave the worship time at 11:00am this fall andadd at least one additional program option, either before or after church.  We currently have choir practice and the FreeInquiry class in the hour before worship, and we hope you’ll respond to the newofferings with the same enthusiasm you give to these.

Thisis – and will continue to be – a work in progress.  We are not averse to change so long as itserves our ultimate goal of growing the church both in breadth of membership and depthof engagement with our shared faith.

Inthe meantime, we welcome your ideas about the kind of programming you’d like!  Our intention, as we’ve said, is to make yourSunday morning church experience as robust (and engaging) as possible.

That’sit for now.  Thanks for reading, andenjoy your summer.


Welcome Guest Musicians: Matthew Goinz & Sophie Amelkin


Justice Choir - Postponed