Welcome Guest Musicians: Matthew Goinz & Sophie Amelkin

We welcome musicians Matthew Goinz and Sophie Amelkin to worship on July 21.

Acclaimed as an “exemplary” and “moving” musician (Minneapolis Star Tribune), conductor, baritone, pianist and arranger Matthew Goinz enjoys an active, international musical career. He has performed as a soloist and ensemble member at renowned venues around the world, commissioned and premiered new works, and enjoyed collaborations with prominent artists of our day. Matthew has worked extensively with the vocal chamber ensemble Cantus and continues performing relationships with the professional ensembles Santa Fe Desert Chorale, Skylark Vocal Ensemble, and True Concord Voices & Orchestra. He is currently a lay clerk at Washington National Cathedral and begins doctoral work in choral conducting this fall at the University of Maryland. Matthew hails from northern Minnesota and is currently living in Silver Spring, MD with his wife Sophie, and Lucy, the sweetest beagle that ever was.

Praised for her “vibrant stage presence” (Minneapolis Star Tribune), Sophie Amelkin is a versatile crossover soprano based in Washington, DC. Her emerging career has included work in musical theater, opera, jazz, and contemporary pop/rock.

Select recent stage appearances include My Princess Diana (Diana), a recital of Ladino and Yiddish art song (Minneapolis), Bach’s Coffee Cantata with Skål Chamber Collective, performances of Libby Larsen’s monodrama The Magdalene as a Professional Fellow at SongFest in LA, and soprano soloist in the world premiere of Paul John Rudoi’s Sermon on the Mount with Magnum Chorum. Operatic credits include Despina (Così fan tutte), St. Teresa of Avila (Four Saints in Three Acts), Bianca (La Rondine), and Susanna (Le Nozze di Figaro).

Ensemble credits include appearances with the Santa Fe Desert Chorale, VocalEssence Ensemble Singers, Skylark Vocal Ensemble, Chorosynthesis, The Thirteen, National Symphony Orchestra, The Choir of Trinity Wall Street, Brevitas, The Choir of the Washington National Cathedral, The Choir of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, and the Twin Cities based ensemble MPLS (imPulse).

Sophie holds degrees in Vocal Performance from the University of North Carolina Wilmington (B.M.) and the University of Minnesota (M.M.)


Guest Preacher and Musician: Christian Brooks and Margot Rood


Session Notes - July 2019