Session Notes - July 31


The Session had a special meeting on July 31 to talk about the future of the plaza on the Virginia Avenue side of the church. For many years, there has been a problem with trash, broken glass, needles, human feces, and other waste being deposited on the plaza. Gaston and Sterling have done such a good job cleaning it up that many of us didn’t even know the problem existed.Session discussed the problem and potential solutions, including a gate along Virginia Avenue.Right now, we don’t use the plaza, and it feels like a problem that needs to be solved. But Laura offered the possibility of using that space as a way to raise awareness of the mission work to which the congregation is committed, a place for reflection, and a way to invite the community to join us.Session charged a task force to develop a vision for the use of the plaza and develop a solution to the trash and waste problem that is both aesthetically pleasing and economical. Rebecca Jackson, Susanne Ward, and John Bader will represent the Session on the task force, and congregation members are being recruited to complete the group, which will work closely with Sterling.The Session believes this is one of those times when challenge and opportunity are intertwined. We ask for your prayers and your prayerful input on the future of the plaza.


A Word form Laura: A Mindful Response


Guest Worship Leaders: Irene and Phil Bennett