Session Notes - March 2019


Your Session sat for its regular monthly meeting Tuesday evening.  The agenda was light, but next month we begin a rigorous quarterly financial review.

We took a look back on our pre-Lenten “Donut Sunday” service.  The worship service – with the glitter, beads and band -- was a big departure for our congregation but, we believe, worth a go.  We’ll selectively try other new forms of worship as the year goes on.  You’ll see a difference on Palm Sunday, for instance, but not Easter.

These changes may be unconventional (for Western), but never unorthodox (in church terms).  Please bear with us as we attempt to balance – in Presbyterian fashion – order with ardor.  Nothing is set in stone, and your thoughts on the subject are always welcome.

We also penned a letter on behalf of the congregation to the GWU Muslim Students Association expressing our solidarity with them and our commitment to providing a safe space for their Friday prayers here.

Thanks for reading.  See you next month.


A Letter to GW's Muslim Student Association


A Word from John: Finding Our Shadow Self