A Letter to GW's Muslim Student Association


March 19, 2019

Dear Members of the GWU MuslimStudent Association community:

On behalf of the entirecongregation, we the Session (council) of Western Presbyterian Church want youto know that you and your entire faith community remain in our thoughts andprayers in this time following the terrorist attack on the mosques inChristchurch, New Zealand.  This violenceand bloodshed stand in direct opposition to any teachings of Christ or Christ’schurch.  We stand in solidarity with youand commit to this church building remaining safe space for you.

In the midst of profound shock andgrief, even as this tragedy moves into our world’s history, we hope for lightin midst of darkness.  We prayed onSunday for all of those whose lives were lost, whose families are grieving,whose world has been devastated.  As acongregation, we hope for an end to Islamophobia and its disastrousconsequences.  Even as we mourn, we praythat our mourning might grow into an attitude and deeds that shape the worldinto the beloved community God intends.

Trusting in God’s work even andespecially in the worst of situations, we pray that you might be continuallyassured of peace.

May peace be with you,

The Rev. Laura Cunningham, Pastor

The Session of Western Presbyterian Church


A Word from Laura: Pushing Our Buttons


Session Notes - March 2019