A Word from Laura: February 27
Before anything else, I invite you to put Sunday, February 27 on your calendar to worship together in-person. The Worship Ministry Team has identified this last Sunday before Lent for a service and after-worship event with a Mardi Gras theme. We’ll have a Dixieland Jazz band in worship, leading hymns – you won’t want to miss this Sunday!

RCAN - New Request in Assistance Program
Here's the latest from Theo.
(click to read more about the new assistance program)

A Word from Laura: In-Person Worship
As we all negotiate the infringement of omicron on our daily lives and decisions, the question remains: When will we resume in-person worship?
As the numbers are cresting in our area, I hope it’s soon. The Worship Ministry Team met last night with Sundays in February as our target dates but felt it too soon to call; the team will meet again on February 2 to make a recommendation.
The longer answer is that this depends on us as a congregation and a shared ministry approach to in-person worship that is healthy, welcoming, and sustainable.

Session Notes - January
The January meeting is usually devoted to organizational housekeeping, made more difficult this year because of the uncertainties of the pandemic.