Good-bye Sofie Fashana; Welcome, Isaiah Leatherwood!
In addition to Pastor Laura’s leaving and Pastor Dean coming on board as our bridge pastor, Western staff is undergoing two additional changes.

A Word from Laura: Thank you
At the end of his earthly life with his disciples, Jesus prayed to God for them and made sure that they could hear. In that spirit – and hopefully the Spirit – I share my prayers of thanksgiving for you, Western Church Family, before this final Sunday.

Session Notes: November 2023
Your Session sat this week for its regular monthly meeting, and its last with Pastor Laura. Rev. Erin Counihan, representing the Presbytery’s Committee on Ministry, moderated parts of the meeting.

A Word from Laura: All Saints’ Sunday
I write this on All Souls’ Day, the third day in the All Hallows Eve/All Saints’/All Souls’ days of remembering the “faithful departed.”

A Word from Laura: Coming soon the pRayground
Fall 2023 has been a re-grouping time for children’s and family ministry at Western. Rev. Irene Bennett has been working with parents and those involved to provide vibrant children’s ministry when we have few children on Sunday mornings. I’m excited to tell you about something new we’re trying, at the request of parents still involved: the “pRayground”.