A Note from Dean: The Fuller Stories
It is so important to learn the fuller stories in our country’s history.

A Note from Dean: Pastor Search
Your Session has decided, after our consultation with the Presbytery representatives, to seek a Designated Pastor.

A Word from Dean
I hope your Christmas Day was merry. Now we prepare to welcome the New Year!

A Word from Dean
It seems to me that there are many fewer angels and nativity scenes decorating houses and yards this season.

Session Notes: December 2023
Your Session sat for its regular monthly meeting this week. Bridge Pastor Dean McDonald moderated.

A Word from Dean
Advent has arrived! It is the season that begins a new Christian liturgical calendar (Year B assigned readings, to be exact) and calls us to both reflect somberly on our own faithfulness – like Lent, and to celebrate exuberantly in the promised coming of the Baby Jesus, our Savior.