An Introduction to the 2021 Annual Meeting
Our annual congregation meetings in January are quintessentially Presbyterian. There is fellowship, a budget presentation and abundant desserts. This year, the fellowship is virtual and you’re on your own for dessert. And this time, we have some perspectives about the budget that take us beyond the numbers.
Basically, here’s the situation. When the Western congregation received our building in the IMF transaction 25 years ago, we also inherited the obligation to keep the property in good repair. It’s an expensive proposition, on the order of $300,000 a year (for maintenance, repairs, utilities, insurance and capital replacements).

Matthew 25:36 “I was ... in prison and you visited me.”
Tired of only connecting with people through zoom screens? If so, why not embrace old fashioned pen and paper to welcome a new soul into your heart?
Interfaith Action for Human Rights (IAHR) needs pen pals to connect with men and women scattered throughout the country in Bureau of Prison facilities.

2020 Giving Statements and 2021 Per Capita
Giving statements for 2020 were mailed to members and friends last week.
Each year Western contributes to the larger Presbyterian Church (USA) to fund our denomination’s work in the National Capital Presbytery and across the country.

Where Do We Go From Here: Attack on the Capitol
Thank you to all who were able to join the discussion on the Attack on the Capitol. We hope you enjoyed the event. This was the first in a series of discussions surrounding the topic "Where Do We Go From Here?" These discussions will dive into the deep issues within our country that led up to the attack and how we should move forward as people of faith. Episode two will feature a discussion on white supremacy. This episode will air on January 28th at 3:00 pm on Facebook Live. More details and registration information soon to come.

A Word from Laura: A Voice of Wisdom for Today
Western Friends,
My gratitude to all of you who stayed following worship for a time to reflect on the events surrounding the mob insurrection at the Capitol. As we look forward to next week – to remembering Martin Luther King’s birthday, to the transfer of power to a new administration – I remember Susie Farr’s words on Sunday, “I don’t want to forget what happened.”
The white supremacy stirred up by the president and others cannot be ignored. While the violence continues to be disturbing, I’ve also been pleased by the response of corporations, some even going so far as to ask for a “refund” from Josh Hawley in terms of campaign contributions!

Session Notes
Your elected Session sat for its first regular monthly meeting of the year on Tuesday (by Zoom, of course). We welcomed two new elders, Jerry Hoganson and Greta Morris.
Like many January meetings, this meeting was mostly organizational. Rebecca Jackson was reelected Clerk of Session and Ray Sendejas reelected church Treasurer.