A Word from Laura: A Spirit for Tough Times
“How are these tough times shaping us into who we need to be for the future?”
is God calling us to be re-formed by the Spirit at work in tough times?
God’s Spirit requires new things of us for the sake of our faith community.
Scripture is an evolving story of God’s Spirit calling people to new forms of faithfulness in tough times. How is God calling you?

A Word from Laura: Remembering September 11th
Twenty years later, post-traumatic responses are still natural when we remember the trauma of September 11. But that doesn’t mean we have to be re-traumatized.

A Word from Laura: This Could Be Our Future
We’re looking for people whose gifts will help us live into our future.

Free Inquiry Transition Meeting: Sunday after worship
There are changes afoot at the Free Inquiry class, our regular adult education program.