“Rethinking Public Safety” Panel on September 2 at 7 p.m.
Western’s Anti-Racism Interest Group invites you to participate in a very special program featuring the co-chair and two other members of the D.C. Police Reform Commission.

Session Notes
The meeting opened, as usual, with a devotional, which this week returned to Sunday’s lectionary scripture about growing up together and speaking truth in love.

A Word from Laura: Experiment in Community
I’m excited to see Western in-person once again this month! Many thanks to all of you who helped make this possible through your gift towards hybrid worship.

What to Expect in August
“Start-Up Sunday” is just around the corner! August will be a time of transition and experimentation as we begin to integrate new technology to serve both in-person and online worshippers. From week to week, we will roll out new equipment and new improvements. It will be a process built in stages, particularly for those attending in person.
On August 8, we will begin with one basic camera and one screen in the Sanctuary, which will display most of the familiar Worship slides we’ve grown accustomed to on Zoom: prayers, Scripture, solo musical offerings, hymns, etc.

Worship Update
Many thanks to those who have already contributed to our efforts to update the sanctuary and technology for Hybrid worship! Any gift makes a big difference. If you have not given already, click here to give on-line.
We hope you’ll join us in-person for at least one “Start-up Sunday” beginning August 8 until Labor Day.