A Word from Laura: Update on Sterling
A Word from Laura Guest User A Word from Laura Guest User

A Word from Laura: Update on Sterling

I write to share sad news, but with hope attached.

Our staff colleague and our church Building and Facilities Manager Sterling Thomas contacted me from Inova Fairfax on Tuesday morning. In the process of a planned medical procedure, he had suffered a partial stroke, limiting movement in his left leg, arm and hand. As you can imagine, it was a hard conversation. I assured him that his health and recovery were his number one work priority and that we as a church want to do all we can to support him. When I asked if I could share his news, he gave a straightforward yes, saying “this isn’t going away soon.”

Those of you who know Sterling also know his strength and spirit. Even when he’s sitting still, his mind and energy are going. It turns out this week is no different! He soon began work with a physical therapist and is already seeing some recovery in the use of his left hand. As of my writing this, he plans to be moved to a physical rehabilitation center tomorrow (Friday) where he will continue to work towards recovery for at least two weeks. He may be doing out-patient therapy for a few weeks thereafter.

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Hybrid Worship Updates
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Hybrid Worship Updates

Our journey continues into what lies next for worship at Western! During the month of July, we’re raising the funds to support tech upgrades. To find out more about this effort and how you can be a part, click here.

Beginning Sunday, August 8 and running through the month of August, our 10 am worship will begin our test run of hybrid mode. To quote another pastor, “Especially at first, we’ll all feel like newcomers.”

Yes, it will still be Western’s worship, but with some differences in how we do things, in recognition that our faith community will join in our sanctuary and on-line.

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A Word from Laura: More Light Sunday
A Word from Laura Guest User A Word from Laura Guest User

A Word from Laura: More Light Sunday

“And God will delight when we are creators of justice and joy, compassion and peace…”

The words of the hymn ring in my mind, long after I previewed the hymn video we’ll use as we sing together in worship this Sunday.

I hope you’ll join our on-line community as we celebrate our connection with More Light Presbyterians. We’ll hear a sermon from Rev. Annanda Barclay, former co-chair of the board of MLP, who currently pastors Mission Bay Community Church in San Francisco.

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A Word from Laura: Days of the Most Light
A Word from Laura Guest User A Word from Laura Guest User

A Word from Laura: Days of the Most Light

“Lift ev’ry voice and sing…” I imagine heavenly choirs singing as Juneteenth became a federal holiday yesterday, commemorating June 19, 1865, when newly liberated Black people in Galveston, TX received federal proclamation of their freedom.

The proclamation came just before a weekend in our family that was already overbooked. We’re welcoming family to celebrate Ginny’s promotion from middle school, Will’s graduation from high school, Father’s Day, my own birthday-that-rhymes-with-nifty. It’s all exciting, but I had forgotten how crazy a calendar can get when you’re not worried about a pandemic.

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Session Notes
Session Notes Western Session Notes Western

Session Notes

Your Session sat, by Zoom, for its regular monthly meeting this week.

After last month’s presentation from the Antiracism Coordinating Team on how we might approach the missional work of antiracism, we followed up in small groups to further discuss their proposals.

At the Session meeting, we shared our hopes and fears regarding antiracism and discussed how we felt God was calling us to act. We then adopted two resolutions. They are:

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