A Word from Laura: Halloween
Unless Halloween is on a Sunday, as happens this year, I love that my only responsibility is to put on my witch hat and give out candy. A part of me wishes it were always on a Sunday, though, and here’s why: …
You may have your own reasons or ways you celebrate the spiritual side of Halloween; I would love to hear them!

A Word from Laura: Come and see…
When Jesus was building his first community of disciples, he would invite them to “Come and see…” In that spirit and in The Spirit, I invite you to come on Sunday mornings – come and see- and so much more!

A Word from Laura: Community
Community may happen in our building, it may happen elsewhere. Community happens in groups that have already been formed; it may be in new groups. Growing and re-growing our community of faith needs to be at the center of our worship, our mission, our nurture.
Our Stewardship Ministry Team has claimed the call of community this year. It’s the focus of our annual campaign, and it’s why they have invited you to participate in the Ministry and Mission Festival on October 17 – and in a way that connects us and builds community! (If you haven’t already, take a moment to RSVP here [https://western.ccbchurch.com/goto/forms/81/responses/new]