A Word from Laura: Christmas Eve
‘Twas the day before Christmas… and I changed what I was going to write. Yes, Virginia [and D.C. and Maryland], there is still in-person worship tonight at Western, although I anticipate seeing most of you on-line.
Session Notes: December
Your Session sat, by Zoom, for its last regular monthly meeting of 2021 this week. We finalized two big undertakings – this year’s stewardship campaign and next year’s budget – and go into 2022 with optimism.
As you’ll see elsewhere, we achieved our stewardship goal for member giving. Thanks to your generosity, we’ve been able to weather the disruptions of the pandemic. Recognition goes to our stewardship team of Elders Ari Brose, Jerry Hoganson and Becky Koenig.
We also approved our 2022 budget that anticipates, over time, the return of most of our congregation to worshiping in-person in the sanctuary (it’s currently about two-thirds online).
A Word from Laura: House of Bread
Two women, one a young adult, one a few generations older, stood close to the Western - Miriam’s Kitchen sign on 24th St. as I walked out recently. English was likely not the older woman’s native tongue, as the younger one spoke slowly, choosing her words carefully.
“Grandma,” she said, “This is an important place in my neighborhood. This is a church. This is where they feed people.”
Stewardship Update: “Giving thanks for your generosity!"
The Stewardship Ministry team is pleased to share the news that we have received 54 pledges so far from our congregation for a total of $273,182. We are indeed blessed! But we still have a ways to go to reach our goal of $385,000 to fund next year's mission and ministry of our congregation.
A Word from Irene: Advent, The Christmas Calm App
Theirs is the lesson of Advent. Amid loss, despair, poverty, injustice, fear, and mourning, we all long for and expect something new, Someone New, for help, relief, mercy, justice, or rescue. Most people expect God to provide salvation. God did, and God does.