Author Talk: Katherine Stewart – The Power Worshippers: Inside the Dangerous Rise of Religious Nationalism
Come join our faith community as we continue to understand and respond to religious nationalism through the lens of public theology.

A Word from Laura: A Time to Grow
Believe it or not, Lent is here again. Lent: the lengthening of days in the northern hemisphere, reminding Christians of the forty days Jesus spent in the wilderness. Lent: when we bring to God the truth about ourselves and our world, trusting that God uses it to accomplish God’s love and justice for us and our world. Lent: a time to grow.

A Word from Laura: Enthusiasm
Enthusiasm, from the Greek roots en (within) + theos (God), meaning “God within”
In this time of re-entry into the world, I’ve witnessed folks rediscovering enthusiasm. Sure, re-entry may mean wearing something other than sweatpants, but it’s also the opportunity for the ways God has been at work in us to connect with God at work in others.
It’s been exciting to sense enthusiasm at Western:

Session Notes: February 2022
The bulk of our meeting – and much of our leadership retreat at the church on Saturday – was devoted to the practice of discernment and comprehensive planning…

A Word from Laura - Liberal
Grounded in our Reformed/Presbyterian tradition, liberal theology assumes that God continues to open our minds and hearts throughout our lives, shaping our consciences within the fabric of society…

A Liberal Christian Credo by David Little
As American liberal Christians, faced with a crisis brought on by severe threats to our political order from religious nationalists and their allies, we affirm our commitment to a “new nation, conceived in liberty…