A Word from Irene: Show Me God!
Missourians come from the Show Me State, whose residents were caricatured as slow and dim-witted. The label implied they had to be shown things before they could understand them.
Most people think the same way about the disciple called the Twin, or in English, Doubting Thomas. He believed that only precise, visible proof would convince him that the crucified Jesus lived. And he was right. When he saw the Risen Christ for himself, he believed. He became a permanent illustration of the ancient proverb, “Seeing is believing.”

A Word from Laura: This Side of Resurrection
A mentor of mine posted recently, “This year, if you’re not Ukrainian, you don’t get to talk about Easter.”
Yes, he may have a tendency to overstate things. I don’t know if he considered how many non-Ukrainians would be in church this Sunday, although knowing him, that was probably the point. If I were trying to make his point, I would have added peoples from around the world whose lives and communities have been decimated by unjust violence, war and death.

Session Notes: April 2022
Your Session sat, by Zoom, for its regular monthly meeting this week.
Some Session meetings are more administrative and some are more thoughtful. Apropos the Lenten season, this meeting was contemplative. Most of our time was spent on two issues.

Cafe Justo
Betsy Carter plans to order coffee from Cafe Justo in Mexico early next week, now that Western is open and folks are coming to church.
Click for more information

Reclaim Our Vote: An Initiative of Common Ground
This spring, Reclaim Our Vote/Center for Common Ground has been sending postcards to thousands of Black voters who need to be encouraged to vote early in primary elections. Right now the focus is on North Carolina and Georgia.

A Word from Patrick
Thank you so much for indulging my absence and welcoming the wonderful substitute musicians during Lent. I just returned from Germany where I had the honor to perform (on harpsichord) concerts with the Baroque orchestra Tempesta di Mare.