Stewardship Update: “Giving thanks for your generosity!"
Western Western

Stewardship Update: “Giving thanks for your generosity!"

The Stewardship Ministry team is pleased to share the news that we have received 54 pledges so far from our congregation for a total of $273,182. We are indeed blessed! But we still have a ways to go to reach our goal of $385,000 to fund next year's mission and ministry of our congregation.

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A Word from Irene: Advent, The Christmas Calm App
Western Western

A Word from Irene: Advent, The Christmas Calm App

Theirs is the lesson of Advent. Amid loss, despair, poverty, injustice, fear, and mourning, we all long for and expect something new, Someone New, for help, relief, mercy, justice, or rescue. Most people expect God to provide salvation. God did, and God does.

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A Word from Irene: Back to Church Joy
Western Western

A Word from Irene: Back to Church Joy

Joy bounded across the church plaza from smiling face to smiling face for our Back to Church Picnic last Sunday. Sixty-six people revelled in gathering on a perfect fall day and hailed each other with “I’m so glad to see you in the flesh again!” “It’s been way too long!” “It’s wonderful to meet someone new.” The half-dozen children – and a family pet – made everyone smile even more broadly.

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Session Notes: November
Western Western

Session Notes: November

Needless to say, the pandemic has changed things. In some cases, it’s created a new normal. For instance, we’ll probably always do simultaneous online and in-person “hybrid” worship. We wouldn’t have imagined this two years ago.

In other instances, the pandemic accelerated existing trends. As an example, more and more churchgoers say they attend church less and less for the liturgical elements (like preaching and hearing the Word) than for the experience of community.

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A Word from Laura: God-in-Community
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A Word from Laura: God-in-Community

This Sunday we’ll celebrate All Saints’ Sunday. It’s the day we give thanks for God-in-community that transcends life as we know it. The theological term is “communion of the saints”- the divine interconnectedness we experience through faith. You’re invited to bring the names of loved ones, heroes and sheroes, church friends and others who have gone on to their new life beyond this one. I’ll lift up those names during our communion prayer, as a reminder of their eternal presence with us.

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