Session Notes: April 2022
Your Session sat, by Zoom, for its regular monthly meeting this week.
Some Session meetings are more administrative and some are more thoughtful. Apropos the Lenten season, this meeting was contemplative. Most of our time was spent on two issues.
Cafe Justo
Betsy Carter plans to order coffee from Cafe Justo in Mexico early next week, now that Western is open and folks are coming to church.
Click for more information
Reclaim Our Vote: An Initiative of Common Ground
This spring, Reclaim Our Vote/Center for Common Ground has been sending postcards to thousands of Black voters who need to be encouraged to vote early in primary elections. Right now the focus is on North Carolina and Georgia.
A Word from Patrick
Thank you so much for indulging my absence and welcoming the wonderful substitute musicians during Lent. I just returned from Germany where I had the honor to perform (on harpsichord) concerts with the Baroque orchestra Tempesta di Mare.
Guest Musician: Sean Burns
Sean Burns is a Philadelphia-area native who relocated to Washington, DC to pursue a law degree at Georgetown University Law Center.
Session and Staff Decisions: Regarding our Building
In this phase of building usage, recognizing the need to ensure the health and safety of all who enter our space, the session and staff share the following decisions: